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Long-time AOMCI member Bob Grubb runs his 1920 Amphion at the 2008 Tomahawk Mini-Nationals. These are pics of a motor purchased from this site and restored by Larry R.
These are pics of a motor purchased from this site and restored by Larry R. These are pics of a motor purchased from this site and restored by Larry R. Bob's Granddaughter enjoys boating with Mercs!
This motor is a very smooth runner that can be started in neutral. A friction-type clutch enables engagement of the propeller drive. The Amphion flywheel spins counter-clockwise, which is the opposite to most any other rowboat motor. This photo, courtesy of Chris Scratch of Ontario, appeared in The Rowboat Motor Journal, 2008. The front cowl looks better than this but it is hard to photograph with flash. This is a late 1960 direct reversing model. The stripes are vinyl tape - easy to apply, but not authentic. The mis-match in white shade is authentic. Next step is to get it out of the shop! It weighs just over 200-lbs, about 90-lbs less than a 2008 of equivalent power. (a 70 hp Tohatsu TLDI is 297 lbs) Cheers -LarryR
Long-time AOMCI member Bob Grubb runs his 1920 Amphion at the 2008 Tomahawk Mini-Nationals.
This motor is a very smooth runner that can be started in neutral. A friction-type clutch enables engagement of the propeller drive. The Amphion flywheel spins counter-clockwise, which is the opposite to most any other rowboat motor. This photo, courtesy of Chris Scratch of Ontario, appeared in The Rowboat Motor Journal, 2008.